The main objective of this process mapping was to make a situation analysis of Nairobi, and provide CORDAID with a report identifying processes, actors, local organizations, bottlenecks and potentials to establish result-oriented pro-poor policies and programmes in Nairobi. The process mapping was intended to build a situation audit through the stakeholders views and opinions, not only about the processes and bottlenecks but also about each actor and the way forward.

The mapping sought to answer the following four questions:

  • What are the current policies and processes in urban development that the programme of Cordaid can link up with, considering the three sub-themes?
  • Which actors are involved or can potentially be involved in a multi stakeholder slum improvement initiative?
  • Which neighbourhoods can be proposed as a focus area for such multi stakeholder slum improvement initiatives?
  • Which stakeholders are present in the selected areas, what are their areas of intervention and what are the possibilities for collaboration?